Search Marketing & Optimisation


The search landscape is evolving so rapidly that it is no longer an option to sit on the sidelines and hope consumers will find you.


Paid Search 

Your first digital investment is best put towards Paid Search. It is the most highly targeted advertising options for your business. 

Everybody uses a search engine to find the answer to their questions, Paid Search gives you the opportunity to target only those that are looking for your product or service.

You only pay when consumers interested in your product click on your ads.


Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation is an ongoing process to increase your appearance on search engines for searches that are relevant to your business. This process works to improve your site: structure, site, content that your customers are interested in, and ultimately your search rankings.


Working Together 

When paid search & organic search optimisation work together, companies can reduce their reliance on paid search and create more relevant content that can be found organically by their customers.

By improving your organic optimisation through SEO, you can expand and improve your SEM performance, reducing your digital media costs.